I’m pleased to say that my painting “The World pulse beats beyond my door” has been selected for Figurativas 15 and has received an honourable mention. Figurativas is one of the most prestigious international art competitions for contemporary figurative art and is held at The MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art) in Barcelona.
Congratulations to Manuel Castillero Ramirez for his intriguing work 'The day in which silence reigned in congress “ which has been awarded the top prize, I’m very much looking forward to seeing this painting in the flesh.

The World pulse beats beyond my door
oil on canvas
200cm x 200cm (each canvas 200cm x 100cm) In Gaston Bachelard’s book “the poetics of space” which deals with subjective experiences of architectural spaces and theories of aesthetic reception, he writes…
“If one were to give an account of all the doors one has closed and opened, of all the doors one would like to re-open, one would have to tell the story of one’s entire life”… and “When so many doors are closed, there is one that is just barely ajar. We have only to give it a very slight push… and our fate becomes visible.”
Further information about Figurativas 15
Further information about MEAM, The European Museum of Modern Art